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IMD Medical Clinic

Achilles Tendinitis Treatments

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Achilles Tendinitis Treatments


Achilles Tendinitis Treatments

Achilles tendinitis is a common condition that occurs when the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, becomes inflamed and irritated. This condition often arises due to overuse, excessive strain, or repetitive stress on the tendon, commonly affecting athletes and individuals who engage in activities that involve running, jumping, or sudden changes in direction. The symptoms of Achilles tendinitis include pain and stiffness in the back of the ankle, particularly during physical activity or after prolonged periods of rest. If left untreated, Achilles tendinitis can lead to more serious complications, including tendon degeneration or even a tendon rupture.

IMD Medical, a reputable clinic in Toronto, offers comprehensive treatment options for Achilles tendinitis to help patients regain mobility and alleviate discomfort. The clinic’s approach to managing this condition involves a combination of advanced medical techniques and personalized care. For mild cases, conservative treatments such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation. The skilled medical professionals at IMD Medical also emphasize the importance of physical therapy and targeted exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles and improve flexibility.

In more severe cases of Achilles tendinitis, or when conservative measures prove ineffective, IMD Medical offers cutting-edge regenerative therapies such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. PRP therapy involves injecting a concentrated solution of the patient’s own platelets and growth factors into the affected area. This promotes tissue healing, reduces inflammation, and potentially accelerates recovery. By tailoring treatment plans to the individual needs of patients and combining innovative techniques, IMD Medical is committed to helping individuals with Achilles tendinitis regain their mobility, alleviate pain, and achieve lasting relief.